Nakia “Nicky” Isaac fell in love with the world of real estate at a young age and always knew that is what she wanted to do. But Nicky also realized that her greatest passion in real estate was teaching others about real estate investment and helping educate families on how to invest and build generational wealth. As a result, she started her own business, Nicky’s Investment Group, LLC, where she teaches others how to invest in real estate. Nicky is also the proud mother of two beautiful girls and resides in Mobile.
Tell us about your business(es)/employer. List services offered and/or work you do and how you describe what you do to others:
Nicky’s Investment Group, LLC offers services for individuals to learn the art of investing in real estate with the goal of building wealth for their families. I wanted to bring more awareness to communities on acquiring and investing in real estate. For generations, we have been uninformed or not given access to these tools. My passion is to spread the knowledge and the wealth that real estate investing affords.
I have mentored numerous individuals that have now started their own investment business or group. I also have become a licensed real estate agent.
Tell us why you chose your profession, the value it brings to you and/or the community:
I fell in love with real estate at a very young age of 4–a passion I developed from going to work with my father. He was a residential contractor in construction. You could say watching properties transform stuck with me. I took a step of faith and began my journey three years ago. In this short period of time, I have acquired one four-unit commercial property and 16 residential complexes. I have always had a passion for sharing knowledge to help others. I found the best way to share my knowledge was to add a one-on-one real estate investor mentorship program within my company, which allows me to share my knowledge while ensuring that each client receives my individualized guidance and undivided attention. I knew that there were a lot of people out there that wanted to learn the game of real estate, so when I provide my knowledge and information to others, I feel accomplished that I have helped someone else to succeed in the real estate market. One of my greatest achievements and platforms for helping others is my book titled, “The Millionaire’s Blueprint,” available for purchase on Amazon. I wanted to write a book that was user-friendly and provided a real estate guide to investing step by step.

What is your vision or hope for women in the Mobile and Gulf Coast communities?
I have always advocated for all women to succeed in life because I always felt that, as a woman, I needed support, knowledge, love, and uplifting in order to move ahead in this world that can be so cruel to us. These are core qualities to success that I wanted to pay forward to the next woman. And my hope is for all women to do the same.
What advice or suggestions can you give to women walking the path of empowerment or struggling with self doubt?
I would suggest that you do what I try to practice myself: strengthen yourself mentally and surround yourself with women of the same sound mind to help fulfill your goals. Women who speak of goals, dreams, and business are who we need to help us grow. If you are the smartest person in the room, you now need to add someone else to your circle who is willing to teach and pour into you.
Was there a moment for you that was a game changer and can you tell us about it?
The game changer for me was when I started believing in myself and realized that with hard work and dedication anything is possible.
How important has education and/or continuing education been to you?
Very Important. It doesn’t have to be a college degree, but invest in educating yourself about whatever you want to do. I had a passion for real estate at a very young age because I watched my father buy, transform, and sell properties. My education became the fuel to fulfill my passion. I love to see how a house started and how it was transformed; I’ve always been fascinated by it. So in essence: find something you love, and get the required skills and knowledge for that–whatever it may be.

How do you feel about Forty Over Forty and being a part of it?
I am ecstatic about it! It gives me the push to keep going! You never know who’s watching!
“If you are the smartest person in the room, you now need to add someone else to your circle who is willing to teach and pour into you.”
You seem to really love what you do, tell us why:
I love what I do because it gives me purpose. It gives me pure joy to give someone a tool that they can enhance their family with for generations to come.
How do you take care of yourself everyday so that you stay balanced and centered?
I show gratitude, and I love to travel. I also take time out for myself in order to reset.