Focus Empowers

#Mompreneur Krystn Keller

15 Questions with Bay Area Boss Babes

In this series, we sit down with some of the boldest and brightest women the Mobile Bay Area has to offer for a simple Q&A session. In 15 questions (or less… we know they are busy) we share their perspective on what it means to be a #BossBabe and how they work to encourage others and continue to grow as an empowered woman. 

Photo courtesy of Krystn Keller

Mother of two, Krystn Keller, founder of Keller Works Naturals, knows what it means to put her children first. It all started in early 2011 when Keller’s son Elliot developed a severe skin rash on his face and the rest of his body shortly after he was born. After seeing countless doctors and specialists and not getting any answers, she took matters into her own hands. Keller began researching remedies made with all-natural ingredients and created her own products to treat his skin. Fast forward to 2019 where she turned her homemade products into a full skincare line. Her company Keller Works has landed their products on the shelves of local and regional retailers, including Whole Foods Market; moved from their kitchen to a warehouse; expanded the line to include many different natural products; and gathered a healthy group of friends that have been positively affected by Keller Works’ products. Most recently her product was featured in a YouTube series and selected for the social media platform’s latest national campaign.

Between balancing kids and growing business, Keller found the time to answer a few questions about the challenges of being a working mom, how she balances it all, and the advice she’d give her high school self.

As the owner of a small business, you seem to really love what you do, tell us why.  I love what I do because I am helping families who, like ours, struggle with skin issues like eczema. We felt so defeated when we were searching for an answer for our son. Seeing families try our products, and they actually work is the driving force behind my passion.

You can tell you’re really passionate about Keller Works. What/who inspires you?  My sons inspire me. Both of them have Autism, and they have struggles of their own but they work hard to overcome obstacles. Parenting them has made me a better person.

You’ve built quite the business over the past few years! Women in the workplace often depend greatly on their community, especially in small businesses when it’s just a handful of people. Can you tell us about your team around you and how it makes you a better leader/team player.  I work hand in hand with my operations manager Christi Corfee. We are different in so many ways, but by focusing on our strengths, we’ve built an unstoppable team. I think it’s important to surround yourself with people that think differently from you. It’s what provides new perspective and new ways of thinking to your business. It is what ensures you always have a way to think outside the box.

To us, #BossBabes come in all shapes, sizes, professions, and backgrounds. They are the women who know that no dream is too big and are always willing to be the change they want to see in the world. What does being a Boss Babe mean to you?  Being a Boss Babe means being a leader, setting an example, working hard, and showing gratitude

If you could tell your high school self anything what would it be?  Do all the things! Don’t worry about what others think. 

You’ve talked a lot abut your two sons being your passion and inspiration. What’s the hardest part about being a working mom?  Balancing family time and work has been difficult because I genuinely love what I do! It can be a struggle for me to just ignore emails during family time. I am always striving to find that balance.

Balancing mom life and work life can be hard and oftentimes leads to #momguilt and comparing yourself to others. How do you deal with comparing yourself to other women in the world of perfect instagram pictures and flawless Facebook posts?  I think everyone struggles with this. I remind myself most of what you see on social media is fake. I see social media as a marketing platform and not much more than that, so it holds no weight in judging my worth. 

How do you take care of yourself everyday so that you stay balanced and centered? I practice mindfulness everyday and I’m getting better about journaling. Mindfulness can be done anywhere, so it’s easy to incorporate into my day. It grounds me when I feel stressed or unfocused.

Rest is so important. What do you like to do when not working? I love music, seeing bands, playing guitar, kayaking, and fishing.

What do you think the qualities are of an empowered woman? And how can women be empowered while maintaining their femininity?  Female empowerment has given me the confidence I needed to get what I want from life. Through this growth, the idea of femininity changed for me. It no longer means frail and weak. I can still get my nails done and rule the world!

Tell us a little bit about your own personal path of empowerment? What was significant?  Most of my life I was a door-mat and thought the world was against me. I had been pushed down so many times and told no that it broke me. I pulled myself up (because there was no other option) and decided I didn’t have to be that person anymore.

What made you want to be a part of this feature and the overall mission of Focus Women’s Conference? I love what Devin has brought to the table to the women of Mobile. It’s something our city was lacking and I had to be a part of it. 

What is your vision or hope for women in the Mobile and gulf coast communities? I hope to see more women finding themselves, realizing their worth, and that they are capable!

For more information or to shop Keller Works products visit 3656 Government Blvd, A1 36693 251-378-8169

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