Focus Empowers
40/40 Features | Vol. 2

Michelle Roth- 40/40 Vol. 2

Take the Call, Make the Call

Michelle Roth
Photo by Devin Ford

Michelle Roth is a natural collaborator, supportive and inspiring team builder, and doting mother to three young women. In her professional endeavors and personal goals, she consistently prioritizes people and relationships. 

“Relationships are everything. How you treat people matters and will always matter. Professionally, I serve as an advocate for my industry, so it’s important that I network and communicate with all different types of political groups and individuals to share information, and learn from others, to move our entire state forward.”

Michelle serves The League of Southeastern Credit Unions as the Senior Director of Governmental Affairs in Alabama. She directs the League’s lobbying and advocacy efforts in the Alabama legislature and strategizes engagement for the Alabama Congressional delegation. She has a strong background in advocacy, community and member relations, and skillfully develops and maintains favorable relationships with lawmakers, executive leaders, and credit unions across the state. Michelle recently earned her Certified Association Executive (CAE) designation, the highest professional credential in the association industry.

“Relationships are everything. How you treat people matters and will always matter. Professionally, I serve as an advocate for my industry, so it’s important that I network and communicate with all different types of political groups and individuals to share information, and learn from others, to move our entire state forward.”

Michelle credits much of her professional and personal achievement to a strong network of friends, role models, and mentors that she’s built along the way. In short, “Take the call, make the call.” Be an accessible and thoughtful role model for other women that may need professional support and empowerment, and likewise, identify the women in your life that you can call when you need help and encouragement.

Michelle Roth
Photo by Devin Ford

In everything she does, Michelle brings a contagious smile and a motivating perspective. One of her favorite ways to spend her time is serving in the community through her church, local organizations and nonprofits. She strongly believes in utilizing the resources and skills that God has blessed her with to serve others and give back to the community. Currently, she serves as a mentor with Hope Inspired Ministries to prepare and equip unemployed women in the Montgomery area to obtain, maintain, and excel at employment. 

Michelle has served on the board and executive committees of several charitable and community organizations, including the Governor’s Broadband Advisory Council, the Blackburn Institute, Alabama Council of Association Executives, First United Methodist Church Board of Trustees, Mary Ellen’s Hearth, 100 Women Strong (Ambassador for the Family Sunshine Center), The Montgomery Education Foundation, VOICES for Alabama’s Children, the Alabama Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, the Alabama Dance Theatre and various community and social organizations.

Michelle Roth
Photo by Devin Ford

In raising her three daughters, she’s continually shared this passion for the community in the hopes they carry it into their lives, as well. She shares, “My hope is that the women across our state unite to create an uplifting culture where women support and encourage other women, without the unhealthy competition to tear one another down. We must all remember that blowing out someone else’s light won’t make yours shine any brighter. We are stronger together!”

She often reminds her girls and others starting out in the professional world that your career at 25 does not have to be (and most likely will not be) your only path and option for the rest of your life. Use this current experience and season of life to grow and learn where you can go next — upward and onward.

“My hope is that the women across our state unite to create an uplifting culture where women support and encourage other women, without the unhealthy competition to tear one another down. We must all remember that blowing out someone else’s light won’t make yours shine any brighter. We are stronger together!”

Michelle begins her morning with a routine ritual that her whole family has now inherited — start with a hot cup of coffee and your planner and to-do list in hand. Taking the time to plan for your day and week creates clarity and control to work towards goals, then celebrate success. She is a strong believer that the power of planning lies in the perspective it provides – you create a road map to achieve daily, short-term, and long-term goals in a manageable way.

To leave us with a few words of wisdom, Michelle astutely shares, “You can do everything, you just can’t do it all at once. Recognize when you need to pace yourself, get through one thing at a time, and focus on what’s directly in front of you until the next season of life.”

Michelle Roth: Senior Director of Governmental Affairs in Alabama – The League of Southeastern Credit Unions

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